E-commerce site
Extensive and modern implementation of UI/UX designs, search bar, notification system functionalities routes like CRUD.
Connecting front-end and back-end using Restful Api routes.
Added payments systems like PayPal and debit/credit card to receive payments from clients via Stripe.
Query and manipulation of Database
Developed a secure authentication and authorization system that protected sensitive user data via token and Basic Autentication.
Return on Investment Calculator
Built and automate ROI calculator for Blogger Pockets to calculate and automatically response to clients demands based on the the client input required by the calculator.
Automated customer services/response, was based on the percentage return from the calculation.
Parking App
Built an automated app to check in into a parking space.
The client selects the of parking duration and the amount allocated to it.
Then a ticket is printed with the time start and end for the parking.
15mins before the parking time is ends, a notification is sent to the client to alert him to check out, in order to avoiding late penalties or extend his parking time by payment for more.
Based on the day-to-day problems people experience with parking, people could book, reserve parking space and plan their day easier with the app.
Social Blogging site
Simple Blog to create, read, update and delete post (CRUD routes)
Developed a web site fully with Flask, python, HTML, and CSS.